wet basement

The Basement Waterproofing System

  • A non-clogging waterproofing system that will accommodate virtually any residential structure.
  • It can sit on top of the footing, or in cases of a high footing or the installation of I Beams it can sit beside the footing.
  • The System works on water pressure instead of gravity.  Water will be forced laterally to a low point-drop pipes in a sump liner.


Why The System will not clog?

  • The location on or beside the upper portion of the footing coupled with a significant gravel barrier will enable The System to collect water and not silt, sediment, or mud.
  • The System does not work on gravity and cannot lose it’s slope thus trapping unwanted silt, sediment, or mud.
  • The System once it’s work is completed will bleed any water or unwanted debris out of the System via the slits underneath, essentially drying out until the next time it is needed.

If you are dealing with a wet basement, we have SOLUTIONS.

Get expert basement waterproofing services today!

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